Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Crane #1000 - The End

This is it. The last crane. The plan was to go back to the same place where I made the first crane (a cafe called Chickpea in Cotham). However, the plan was thwarted by the cafe being closed, so I went to another nearby cafe.

And it was done.

I also had a lovely chat with two women at the next table about the project. After making it, I couldn't leave the idea of taking the last crane back to the place where I made the first crane, so I popped it through their letterbox on the way past. So sorry to the cafe who are likely to be very confused as to why they've got a crane through the post...

And that's it. 1000 cranes, new friendships, origami bombing, lots of cups of tea, many many tube rides, multiple crane making lessons, and lots and lots of folding...

I'm not going to stop making cranes now I've hit the end of the project. I've got an origami bombing mission in London coming up, as well as a big origami making on the tube session planned. But I'm going to stop counting now...

Crane #859 - #999

Have you ever wondered what 141 cranes in a box looks like. I'd say something like this...

These are set aside for my next origami bombing mission, hopefully taking place in London with Chris from Up-cycle. Schedules have dictated that this hasn't been able to happen in 2011, but hopefully it'll go ahead in early 2012, combined with a bit of sociable crane making on the tube.

origami Butterfly Nolan Lafosse 3D

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