Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

Rose and kusudama - both Japanese :)

The rose from my yard has flowers and I couldn't stop myself from joining two things that remind me with so much pleasure about Japanese culture. :)

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

I love

Am bannerul cu "I love" de ceva vreme, dar nu făcusem nimic în a-mi demonstra dragostea. Ei bine, iată şi dovada concretă. :D
Recunosc, iubesc pitzipoancele, dar nu unele oarecare, ci unele consacrate: Bad Pitzi şi Fashion Pitzi.
Pentru cei 1% dintre voi care încă n-aţi vizitat ( de cel puţin 3 ori pe zi ) site-ul lor, daţi un click AICI.
În poză se pot vedea nici mai mult nici mai puţin de 50 de cocori ( făcuţi pentru provocarea de pe forumul Origami România ) şi aranjaţi în formă de... Bad Pitzi. :D
Din următorul set...ştim cu toţii ce va ieşi, nu-i aşa Fashion Pitzi? :p

Jumat, 13 Juni 2008

Another kusudama

Another version of the Morning Glory model:


Rabu, 11 Juni 2008


The Morning Glory kusudama and another one that starts from the same model, but with a small variation.
They are both made out of 3.5cm squares.

Save the trees!

During an advertising contest that took place in Bucharest this year, my team and I used origami to recycle paper.
The swan was the product of a team work, because i have "corrupted" my colleagues to learn paper folding. :)

Ever since i made this project, i continued recycling and i only realized swans made out of already written paper:

Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

My little Panda

I liked so much this little Panda ( finished 10 minutes ago ), that i have decided to make a post especially for it. :) You can learn it from HERE.

Make a wish!

In the Origami Romania Forum we have launched a challenge that will end up with....a wish coming true. :)
It all started from the 1000 cranes legend. We will complete it and we will make those 1000 cranes in a topic that was created especially for them.
You can post as many cranes as you want, but with one condition: make a wish at the end, when we gather them all 1000! :)
For more details, press HERE.

Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

I like miniatures

Origami is an exceptional art, that gives birth to some extraordinary models. But the smaller they are, the impressive they are.
Although it is more difficult to make them in small dimensions, it's totally worth the effort! :)

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

Primul forum despre origami din Romania

La initiativa unui prieten, a luat nastere primul forum cu si despre origami din Romania - apasati AICI.
Asa ca toti cei interesati de acesta arta, sau care vreti sa invatati, sunteti bine veniti oricand.
Asteptam pareri, sugestii, poze si teme de discutie din partea voastra si speram ca acesta sa fie un inceput bun pentru promovarea origamiului in Romania.
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