Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Origami on the sea

Last Sunday i went to have a walk on the cliff with my best friend. When I got there, I was surprised to see the marine military brass band of Japan singing along with the Romanian one.



Later on I found out that 3 japanese ships - JDS Kashima, JDS Shimayuki, and JDS Yuugiri - arrived in our harbour, as part of their long journey that started in Tokyo on 15 of april and will finish on 8th of september. There will be 16 stops in 14 countries, and Romania was one of them.
On the cliff, I met with Paco and Shrek, two of the Romanian Origami Forum members. We didn't plan any meeting, so we were all surprised to bump in each other. :)
Shrek had his pockets full of paper and since we had in front of us members of the nippon nation, we couldn't stop ourselves from folding. :D
We made 3 cranes and a 6 pieces kusudama that needed no glue:

We gave them as a gift to commandant Kuma Toriya:

The atmosphere on the Black Sea cliff was amazing, full of joy and filled with music and dance:

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