Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Origami Dress-Up Paper Dolls Review

It has been a few weeks since I picked up Origami Dress-Up Paper Dolls book.  I've already made a few dolls for myself and also helped some of my students make theirs with this book.  Since the book was imported from Japan, I paid a little more than how much I would've paid if I waited to buy it in Japan, but for me money was worth spent.  This book turned out to be just as good as the Amazon Japan review, or even better!  I love origami and I love fashion, so this is right up my alley.

First of all, the designs of the dolls are absolutely adorable.  Here is a doll that I made using a left over paper from Origami Mushrooms for the dress.  I think she turned out pretty cool!

I find that some origami instruction books are hard to follow, but not this one.  The book is very well written.  The level of difficulty is about semi-beginner to intermediate.  The girls at my school who made these dolls have done origami with me in the past, and they are between 2nd and 5th graders.  With my help, it took each of them about two hours to finish making a doll with a whole outfit.  Each doll is made out of 10 or more pieces of paper, with all the body parts, clothing and shoes combined.  They loved it and stayed focused on the project for the whole two hours.

A large variety of clothing, accessories, and hairstyles are introduced in the book.  Even though some pieces of clothing or body parts require different sizes of paper, he explains exactly how to cut a regular size origami paper into each required size so there is no need to purchase different sizes of paper.  He also encourages you to use wrapping paper and such, and explains how to cut one into a perfect square that you need (which is by using the cardboard that comes with an origami package, FYI).

Here is a "Mini-Me" I made.  Black hair, a print skirt, and boots... That's totally me.  I had so much fun choosing paper for this outfit that made me realize this book might even help me stop my obsession for buying clothes!
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